Use this with caution and double check your results.
8/27/2022 1600
Bingo Fuel | ||
note: The Airbus FMS essentially does this. | ||
HOWGOZIT Waypoint Fuel | lbs | |
-HOWGOZIT Fuel at destination | lbs | |
=Waypoint to destination fuel | lbs | |
+Destination to alternate fuel | lbs | |
+Desired alternate landing fuel | lbs | |
=Min waypoint fuel | lbs | |
Optional hold time: | ||
Current fuel | lbs | |
FuelFlow | lbs/hr | |
Current Time | hhmm | |
Holding time | min | |
Holding time | h:mm | |
Latest leave hold | hhmm | |
Fuel flow given fuel and time | ||
Reserve fuel lbs on flight plan | lbs | |
Reserve time on flight plan | hmm | |
Reserve Fuel Flow | lbs/hr | |
Time given fuel and flow | ||
Fuel | lbs | |
Fuel Flow | lbs/hr | |
Time | h:mm | |
UTC now + time | ||
Fuel given time and flow | ||
Time | hmm | |
Fuel Flow | lbs/hr | |
Fuel | lbs | |
Fuel given GS, FF, and Distance | ||
GS | kts | |
Fuel Flow | lbs/hr | |
Distance | nm | |
Fuel per distance | lbs/nm | |
Dist per Fuel | nm/lb | |
Fuel to fly distance | lbs | |
Enter times as hmm instead of h:mm. I can rewrite this to accept either, but the numerical keyboard will not pop up on the iPad if I do so.
You can use the flight plan or fms to get the waypoint to destination fuel as long as you are consistent for both.
You can use lbs or thousands of lbs as long as your consistent.
I'll probably add clear buttons for each section. In the meantime, just refresh the page or input new numbers.
I don't know if these are helpful, so I wanted to share my thoughts and get your input.
Now that I am on the Airbus, the FMS does a better job of what I do in this Bingo Fuel calculator.
These are not difficult problems, but sometimes it takes a bit of thinking to determine whether I should multiply by something like the fuel flow or divide instead. It occured to me that perhaps it might be useful to write a couple of calculators to cover some of the more common needs.
Let me know if you think these are obvious and unnecessary or handy.
Thanks. thejohnbell@gmail.com